Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Moving to Wordpress

I have moved to wordpress. The look is more me, I think.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Life Gives lessons

Its been a while...But a lot of things have happened since I've last written and all have been the source of my inspiration of this new poem. Maybe in a later post I will explain what exactly happened but for now pause and listen.

Road of Life (Listen)


Life give Lessons
If we pause and listen.
Soul yearns to ascertain
Yet Mind renders it 

The trees breathe out wisdom
If we pause and listen.
Soul seeks to understand
To learn its movements
Yet Mind shuts out all

The Waters enlighten humility.
If we pause and listen
Soul desires to emulate
Yet Mind lusts

[Road diverges
When Lust is befriended]

If we pause and listen
The winds howl in trepidation.
Soul strives to perpend the omen
Yet Mind only mocks it
His blinded eyes take no 

If we pause and listen
The fires roar in indignation
Soul fears for its life
Yet Mind only seeks its earthly pursuits 
Slowly, steadily


If we pause and listen
Death gives lessons
My dear Soul, do not fear Guidance
Lead Mind out of Indulgence

Death shan't give lessons

For then
